
Video - DemoCampCalgary #10

Coverage of DemoCampCalgary #10. If you live in Calgary and either want to launch your own startup, find a more interesting place to work or even just see what's coming down the local software pipeline then check DemoCamp out.

Oh, and there's beer.

The highest quality source for recycling this footage is 648 MB Windows Media file, which is what Blip.Tv has transcoded into FLV.

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Video - You Are a Racist

A voice message we received at our office. The truly gullible might believe we had a javascript error on our site keeping most IE users from signing up successfully. The caller had a different theory.

After we listened to the message and pondered "who was that guy?" it became a short experiment in video editing style.

The highest quality source for recycling this footage is 23 MB Windows Media file, which is what Blip.Tv has transcoded into FLV and MPEG-4 data.

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