
Stock - Wii Wiimote Smash

Wiimote SmashCambrian House (my employer) owned a Wii for less than 24 hours before the remote (wiimote) was thrown against the wall.

They've had multiple requests from TV stations to use the footage in newscasts, so the footage has been uploaded to Internet Archive.

For casual viewing I'd recommend streaming from YouTube or Blip.Tv.

For remix, the final video is available in Windows Media and MPEG-2 formats. Raw footage was captured in MPEG-1, and is available here: Part1, Part2.

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Video - Don Tapscott on Wikinomics

Don Tapscott - WikinomicsCambrian House (my employer) hosted Don Tapscott in Calgary, Alberta on 2007-02-26. Don spoke about his book Wikinomics, an excellent overview of crowdsourcing.

For casual viewing I'd recommend streaming from Google Video or Blip.Tv. Or download the video in iPod format.

For remix, you'll want high quality copies in Windows Media or MPEG-4 QuickTime format, available on Internet Archive. This Don Tapscott footage is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

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Stock - Lecture Audience Timelapse

Lecture Audience TimelapseTimelapse stock footage of an audience gathering to hear Don Tapscott speak.

If it sounds usefull I would recommend downloading a low-quality 64x MPEG-4 to make sure it is what you want. If so, then download the original 4x, 16x or 64x MPEG-2 as that will be the highest quality.

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